Girls of the White Orchid

Year: 1983
Duration: 01:33:43
Directed by: Jonathan Kaplan
Actors: Jennifer Jason Leigh, Ann Jillian, Thomas Byrd 
Language: English
Country: USA

Also known as: Death Ride to Osaka; Operation Osaka; La muerte conduce a Osaka; Kuolemankyyti Osakaan; Illusions perdues; Death Ride to Osaka; Sulle orme del dragone; Osaka - Corrida Fatal; Operation Osaka
Description: A young American falls in the hands of the Japanese traffickers...
I was surprised to find out after watching the film that it's based on a true story (I don't think they mention this in the credits anywhere). You'd never think this given the unrealistic nature of many of the events in the film.
Other than the stilted dialogue, lack of imagination, bog-standard camera setups, and whatnot, an annoying factor is the cross-racial casting. True, the average American can't tell at a glance from where in Asia someone comes from, but Asians can tell, and Asiaphiles can tell. Much worse than the non-Japanese-looking actors, however, is the absolutely horrible pronunciation of Japanese dialogue. Oddly, none of the Japanese dialogue is subtitled, which wouldn't have been too terrible for me, as I speak Japanese, but the language is so butchered by the non-Japanese-natives that I couldn't comprehend much of it. In one scene an American actress seems to use nonsense syllables when she's supposed to be speaking Japanese (perhaps she couldn't remember her line or they didn't get it translated for her in time or something).
