Unrated 2: Scary as Hell

Year: 2012
Duration: 69 min.

Directed by: Timo Rose and Andreas Schnaas

Actors:  Katharina Boltz, Sarah Hannemann, Oliver Maurer
Language: German | NO SUBTITLES

Country: Germany

Also known as: Unrated II: Scary as Hell

Description: This sequel to Unrated (2009) is in German, mostly, with no subtitles to be found anywhere. I say, "mostly," because Timo Rose is well known for inserting at least one English speaking scene in each of his movies. If only he would include English Subtitles as well! This is some sort of reality show in a haunted house type flick with some nudity, gore, and scary moments. Fans of either director, Rose and/or Schnaas, will probably enjoy it, even if they don't necessarily speak or understand German!


