Juventude em Busca de Sexo

Year: 1983
Duration: 01:26:03
Directed by: Juan Bajon
Actors: Shirley Benny, Nereide Bonamico, Mário Bruni

Language: Portuguese
Country: Brazil
Also known as: N/A
When we speak of Boca Trash, more precisely its “decadent phase”, that is, when we talk about the golden age of sexually explicit Brazilian immediately reminded of one of its greatest craftsmen, Chinese Juan Bajon. Starting his career as assistant director of critical Reuben Biafore, in the movie The House of Temptation (1975), Juan Bajon take place three years later, his first feature, The Ripper to the police women. But what matters to us at this moment is the “decadent phase”, ie, the phase of “thin-and-scrub,” or, as preferred, the phase hardcore tupiniquim.
How porn was about to start in Brazilian theaters, that in the early 80’s, Youth in Search of Sex has its explicit sex scenes a little shy, implying that up to half of the film we are watching an erotic production. However, this is not a burden, it’s a bonus: Youth in Search of Sex is one of explicit movies of Boca Trash more skillfully develops the plot, without bothering to show, so disjointed, “good-good” . Never before in the history of Brazil, a film showed sex scenes so well placed in the context of the plot.
A sexy girl (and tasty) Shirley Benny (one of the inmates of the classic prison movies Amazon Jail) is the main character of the Youth in Search of Sex. In the plot, she and her brother – the actor Marcos D’Alves – find themselves in a sudden, thrown in a rude and harsh world, after the death of his parents in a car accident. Shirley Benny becomes pregnant by the son of her boss, a restaurant owner, and Marcos D’Alves finds himself madly in love with a girl.
Both are now fend for themselves, the way they can, and are discovering, slowly, as the social environment weakens and destroys people. They are teenagers who suddenly must act as adults to survive in a tough world. Life as it is, bluntly and without makeup.

