City of Lost Souls

Year: 1983
Duration: 01:28:27
Directed by: Rosa Von Praunheim
Actors: Jayne County, Manfred Finger, Judith Flex
Language: German, English, Spanish (English Subtitles)
Country: West Germany
Also known as: Cité des âmes perdues, Berlin Blues,

Imagine Hedwig and the Angry in reverse. Yes, Lila (Jayne County), a daughter of American anti-Communists eventually winds up in East Berlin as rock’n’roll TV star. Her hit song: “I Fell in Love with a Russian Soldier.” The lyrics leave out that he got her pregnant.
Now Miss County who plays Lila is either in real life a transvestite or a transsexual, but whatever she is, like Holly Woodlawn in Trash, she’s quite wondrous and wonderful. So be prepared when she moans, “Just because I get fucked by Russians doesn’t mean I want their babies.” You’ll find yourself helplessly sympathizing with her plight. Of course, if you are a slut, too, you’ll find yourself helplessly empathizing.
Anyway, this is an early film by the great, internationally obscure German director Rosa von Praunheim. Within his realm, Andy Warhol meets John Waters meets Clifford Odets.....
